Samuel Sothoron

In father’s 1712 will was bequeathed personalty and “... two tracts in St. Mary's Co ‘ my old plantation stands on with my mill...’.” (see his Notes).

Was a beneficiary in paternal grandmother's will of 1716 (see her Notes).

Certificate of John Johnson Sothoron, executor of Mary Rose estate. Payments to Thomas Truman Greenfield. Legacies noted:

- Samuel Sothoron

- Ann Sothoron, delivered to James Briscoe her husband.

- Mary Clark

- Harman Clark, son of afsd. Mary & Francis Clark.

- Mary Birch, delivered to John Birch her husband.

- Mary Doplar. (Admin Accts 5:358, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1724.02)

John Ogilvy 12.17 A CH £72.15.2 £121.19.8 Jun 11 1733 Received from: Charles Som. Smith, George Noakes, John Davies, Mr. John Donaldson, Joseph Wood, John Harbord, William Wilkinson, Abraham Parker, Capt. Attaway, Samuel Sothoron, Mary Russell, Richard Sotheran, John Hays, Elisabeth Lawson, Robert Gill, Jeremiah Green, Thomas Allen, James Wilson, Joseph Nicholson, Thomas Winyard, Joseph Hinds, Richard Buckner, Thomas Brooke, Peter Neale. Payments to: Henry Donaldson, Rand. Morris, William Welsh, John Chisley, Peter Frazer on judgement before Capt. Charles Som. Smith, John Ramsey, Charles Calvert, Esq., Samuel Hanson. Administrator: John Estep.  (* - 1658-1758 Charles County MD Families)

Admin. accts. of Mary Clark of St. Mary’s Co.. (Exec. of Francis Clarke). Sureties: James Compton, Thomas Nichols. Payments to (among others): Leonard Clarke per Daniel Dulany, Esq. and Samuel Sothoron who married a daughter of Francis Clarke. Payments to (in equal amounts, their portions, children of Francis Clarke: Thomas Morris who married a daughter; Williamson Hayes who married a daughter; William Clarke, under age; Benjamin Clarke, under age; John Clarke, under age; Francis Clarke, accountant. Exec: Francis Clarke. (Reno* {Admin. Accts}, St. Mary’s Co., 1742.02.10)

Received £6.14.02 in 1742 as part of legacy from father’s estate (see father’s Notes).

Will of Benjamin Sothoron. Notes physical illness. Brother Samuel to receive 125 acres at the south end of tract called Two Friends, to return to Samuel's son Leaven on death of Samuel. To brother Samuel's 2 sons (Richard & John Johnson) each a feather bed. To sister Mary Clark’s daughter Elizabeth Clarke, 4 young heifers. Balance of estate to brother Richard Sothoron during his lifetime, then to pass to Richard’s son John. Mother (unnamed) to have 2 slaves while she lives, at the "discretion" of brother Richard Sothoron. Witness: Mary Swann, Elizabeth Clark, John Burch, William Nation, Leonard Clarke. (Prerog Court Wills 24:383 {also Charles Co. Wills AC#4:209}, Charles Co., 1745/6.01.21, Proved 1745/6.03.04)

Richard Chunn 23.109 A CH £89.10.6 £90.9.3 Jan 7 1746 Sureties: Samuel Amery, Edward Swann. Received from: Samuel Chunn, John Turton, Edward Swann, Samuel Sothorn, Isaac Wood, Thomas Ash, John Noe. Payments to; James Nevison, MM Gildart & Sons (merchants in Liverpool), Samuel Chunn, MM Muschel & CO., Thomas Midgley, James Compton, Samuel Ameryt Anne Suel, Richard Anderson, Joseph Noble, Rubard Boarman, William Harrison, Sarah Dyson, Zachariah Bond, Charles Love, Edward Davis, William Blackenbury, Susannah Magglestone, Anthony Semmes, John Wise, Daniel Dulany, Esq., Walter Hanson. Representatives (siblings): Mary Anne Burch, Elisabeth Chunn, Lydia Chunn, Perregrine Chunn, Andrew Chunn, Judith Chunn, Dorithy Chunn. Administrator (de bonis non): Andrew Chunn.  (* - 1658-1758 Charles County MD Families.)

** Land records - Maryland

Patent of Samuel Sothrone of St. Mary’s Co. for Sothrones Supply, 21 acres, based on a warrant dated 14 Sept 1750. Adjacent to Sothorons Hills. Calverton Manor. Certified: Patents BC&GS#1:278. (GS#2:66, St. Mary’s Co.,1753.08.10)

** Land Office Debt Books - in name of Samuel Sothoron, St. Mary’s Co., Maryland

  Year   Lib:Fol Tract Acres Rent
1753 39:14 Trumans Lott 40  
    Littleworth 25  
1754 39:15 Trumans Lott 40 0.0.10
    Littleworth 25 0.1.0
1755 39:15 Trumans Lott 40 0.0.10
    Littleworth 25 0.1.0
    Sourthons Supply 21 0.0.10 ¼
1756 39:15 Trumans Lott 40 0.0.10
    Littleworth 25 0.1.0
    Sothorons Supply 21 0.0.10¼
1757 39:14 Trumans Lott 40 0.0.10
    Littleworth 25 0.1.0
    Sothorons Supply 21 0.0.10
1758 39:14 Trumans Lott 40 0.0.10
    Littleworth 25 0.1.0
    Sothorons Supply 21 0.0.10¼
1759 40:11 Trumans Lott 40 0.0.10
    Littleworth 25 0.1.0
    Sothorons Supply 21 0.0.10¼
1760 40:14 Trumans Lott 40 0.0.10
    Littleworth 25 0.1.0
    Sothorons Supply 21 0.0.10¼
1761 40:14 Trumans Lott 40 0.0.10
    Littleworth 25 0.1.0
    Sothorons Supply 21 0.0.10¼
1762 40:11 Trumans Lott 40 0.0.10
    Littleworth 25 0.1.0
    Sothorons Supply 21 0.0.10¼
1763 40:11 Trumans Lott 40 0.0.10
    Littleworth 25 0.1.0
    Sothorons Supply 21 0.0.10¼
1764 40:10 Trumans Lott 40 0.0.10
    Littleworth 25 0.4.0
    Sothorons Supply 21 0.0.10½
1765 40:10 Trumans Lott 40 0.0.10
    Littleworth 25 0.4.0
    Sothorons Supply 21 0.0.10½
1766 40:12 Trumans Lott 40 0.0.10
    Littleworth 25 0.1.0
    Sothorons Supply 21 0.0.10¼
1767 41:12 Sothoron's Supply 21  
    Truman's Lot 40  
    Littleworth 25  
1768 41:10 Sothoron's Supply 21  
    Truman's Lot 40  
    Littleworth 25  
    Sothoron's Venture 27  
[As Samuel Sothoron Hrs:]    
1769 41:10 Sothoron's Supply 21  
    Truman's Lot 40  
    Littleworth 25  
    Sothoron's Venture 27  
[As Richard Sothoron:]    
1770 41:15 Sothoron’s Venture /Saml.    
    Sothoron Hrs 27  
[As Samuel Sothoron Hrs:]    
    Sothoron's Supply 21  
    Truman's Lot 40  
    Littleworth 25  
1771 41:12 Sothoron's Supply 21  
    Truman's Lott 40  
    Littleworth 25  

** Activities as witness, surety, appraiser & executor - Maryland

Proceedings exhibited from St. Mary's Co. Sibill Jowles her will & Testy. Bond in common form by John Johnson Sothoron her executor with Samuel Sothoron & George Reeder his sureties in £100. (Test Proc 29:65, St. Mary’s Co., 1730.12.22, Recorded 1731.03.08)

Charles Co. returns. John Birch his Admin. Bond in common form by Mary Birch his admx. with John Johnson Sothoron & Samuel Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. her sureties in £600. (Test Proc 29:379, Charles Co., 1734.05.06, Recorded 1734.05.20)

Served as trustee & executor of brother John Johnson Sothoron’s will (drawn 9 October 1744). Includes action of Barber et ux vs Samuel Sothoron et al, disputing accuracy of inventory & refusal to pay monies due. See his Notes for details.

Frederick Co. returns. James Briscoe his Admin. Bond in common form by James Sothoron Briscoe his administrator with John Briscoe & Samuel Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. his sureties in £200. (Test Proc 34:55, Frederick Co., 1750.09.14, Recorded 1750.12.24)

Meverell Locke, Samuel Sothoron & John Hammelt of St. Mary’s Co. are bound to the State in the sum of £400, for the services of Meverell Locke as agent of Collector of excise in St. Mary's Co. (Provincial Court 17#1{BT#1}:109, St. Mary’s Co., 1756.06.18, Recorded 1756.06.18)

Additional account of Richard Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., administrator of Mary Burch late of Charles Co. dec'd. Payments made to Henry Greenfield Southern for a bond & to Samuel Southern. Balance of estate £106.0.4½. Peter ONeal & Thomas Gerrard Slye sureties. "Representatives of children of the deceased vizt. Samuel Southern, Richard Southern, Elizabeth Burch, Anne Burch, Mary Burch, & John Burch, all of age." (Accts . 65 {WD#9}:23, Charles Co., Recorded1770.09.19)

** Public service/activities - Maryland


Samuel Southourn was a juror in a land dispute between Anthony Goodright (lessee of Thomas Reeder) and William Joseph late of St. Mary's Co., planter, heard before the Provincial Court in Annapolis, Maryland during the April Term of 1741.. (James F. Burgess, "Annotated Index of Maryland Court Judgments, Liber E.I.#6"  Pages 493-406 - published in Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 47, No. 1, Winter 2006, pp 65-66)

Nomination of tobacco inspectors for the Benedict warehouse includes the name of Samuel Sothoron. (Calendar of Maryland State Papers {Black Books VIII, 40, 671}* 1:100, All Faith Parish, 1750.09.10)

Samuel Sotheren commissioned County Coroner. (MD Hist Mag 26:352, St. Mary’s Co., 1764.02.18)

** Church activities - All Faith Parish, St. Mary’s Co., Maryland

John Dave, Samuel Sothoron & John Murphy were to have the pew next to Capt. Greenfield's. (MD Hist Mag 30:355, 1724.06.24)

A pew was assigned to Samuel Sothoron & others. (MD Hist Mag 30:356, 1726.04.11)

Samuel Sothoron was made a member of the vestry, replacing Charles Ashcombe dec'd. (MD Hist Mag 30:357, 1727.10.30)

The list of parishoners voting at the annual election included Henry G., Samuel, Richard and N.S. Sothoron. (MD Hist Mag 30:352, 1733.05)

At the annual meeting, Thomas Reeder, John Edwards & Samuel Sothoron were elected vestrymen in place of John Chesley, John Abell & John Read. (MD Hist Mag 30:361, 1739.05.09)

At the Easter meeting Samuel Sothoron was still a vestryman (MD Hist Mag 30:362, 1740.04.29)

At the Easter meeting Samuel Sothoron & Samuel Abell were appointed wardens in place of Richard Burroughs & Samuel Jenifer. (MD Hist Mag 30:363, 1743.04.04)

Samuel Sothoron appointed church warden vice Capt. Greenfield. (MD Hist Mag 31:17, 1750.04.16)

Samuel Sothoron, Michael T. Taney & Philip Clarke replace James Keech, Samuel Abell Sr & Philip Clarke as vestrymen. (MD Hist Mag 31:18, 1751.04.08)

Samuel Sothoron continues as a vestryman. (MD Hist Mag 31:18, 1752.04.30)

Capt. Thomas Greenfield & Charles King were balloted in in the room of John Abell & Samuel Sothoron. (MD Hist Mag 31:19, 1759.04.16)

Samuel Sothoron elected vestryman vice Henry Tubman. (MD Hist Mag 31:23, 1767.05.12)

Richard, Samuel & Henry G. Sothoron were among many petitioners for the induction of Rev. John Stephen into the Parish. Pew #13 assigned to Henry Sothoron. (MD Hist Mag 31:26, 1767.09.22)

Richard Sothoron replaced Samuel Sothoron dec'd as vestryman. (MD Hist Mag 31:27, 1768.04.04)

** Will & estate - Maryland

Will of Samuel Sothoron, sick of body. To wife Jane: Littleworth, Trumans Lot, Sothorons Supply, Sothorons Hills during her life or widowhood; thereafter as follows:

- To son Richard Sothorons Hills (bought from Henry Greenfield Sothoron), Sothorons Supply, one bed & furniture, 1 cow & calf.

- To son Samuel Trumans Lott (where testators Dwelling House stands), Littleworth, 1 bed & furniture, 1 cow & calf, 1 iron pot, horse called Gift, walnut desk & large looking glass.

- To son Levin half of water mill and all iron work belonging thereto, with adjacent 2 acres from Littleworth or Trumans Lot, convenient for the use of said mill, during the time he keeps the mill running. Also 1 feather bed & furniture, 1 cow & calf, 1 iron pot, 1 end table.

- To son John Johnson a Negro, 1 feather bed & furniture, 1 cow & calf, 1 iron pot, 1 walnut table.

- To daughters Ann Burroughs, Susannah, Mary, Margaret, Jane & Elizabeth Sothoron " their several coming of age...," each one feather bed & furniture, 1 cow & calf of their choice.

- Should Samuel die without heirs, his lands to pass to his brothers Levin & John Johnson.

- Residual of estate to wife, to be divided equally among all children on her death or remarriage.

- Executors wife and son Levin. Test: Richard Sothoron Sr, John Sothoron, James Bradey Jr, Mary Swain. (Wills TA#1:557{Also Wills 36(WD#1):448}, St. Mary’s Co., 1767.12.02, Proved 1768.06.15)

Returns from St. Mary's Co. Samuel Sothoron his will & Testy. Bond by Jean Sothoron & Levin Sothoron his executors with William Bruce & Richard Sothoron their sureties in sum of £700. (Test Proc 43:17, St. Mary’s Co., 1768.06.15, Recorded 1768.07.13)

Inventory of Samuel Sothoron. Includes 6 slaves, 3 horses, 4 beds with furniture, old walnut desk, gold leather chairs, 5 mirrors, 7 sows, 28 hogs, 12 cattle, 2 sheep, glass bottles, lancets, spectacles, 600 gal. cider casks, Delph tableware. Largest creditor Richard Sothoron Sr. Next of kin Richard Sothoron Jr, John J. Sothoron. (Inv 98:129, St. Mary’s Co., 1768.07.02, Recorded 1768.08.17)

Returns from St. Mary's Co., recorded and filed: Inventory of Samuel Sothoron. (Test Proc 43:146, St. Mary’s Co., 1768.09.22, Recorded1768.12.27)

Final account of Jean & Levin Southoron, executors of Samuel Sothoron. Monies received from Samuel Burroughs, Wm. Bruce, John & James Jameson, Bond & Sothoron, Dr. John Hamilton, George Maxwell, John Swan, John Sothoron, Richard of Samuel Sothoron, Capt. Thomas Greenfield & others. Balance of estate £280.14.8½. (Accts 64:251, St. Mary’s Co., 1770.10.05)

Commissioners order passing of respective accounts returnable within two months: includes Jane & Levin Sothoron executors of Samuel Sothoron. (Test Proc 43:622, St. Mary’s Co., 1770.11.10)

Account of Samuel Sothoron ordered filed & recorded. (Test Proc 43:627, 1770.11.10)

** Miscellaneous

Samuill Sonthrong of Trinity Parish Upper Hundred, Charles Co., MD has 4 slaves, 4 taxables. “In St. Mary’s Coty.” Record # 155. (* {Tax Records}, 1758)


Samuel Sothoron & Johnson Sothoron listed together on the 1765 Tax List for Upper Resurrection Hundred.  (MD Genealogical Society web page - from MSA Microfilm SR4543)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.